Sükrüye Yangin Hayrati
Sami Yangin, who is not satisfied with successes only in the field of Textile
and who is a good citizen loving his country, deemed himself obliged to serve
to his country that gave him the opportunity of establishing two wonderful facilities
and constructed one school in 3 separate districts and a mosque together with
a school in a district, within the borders of Kayseri province where the plants
are located. Thus, he assisted his government in having the new generations
receive better education. This act of him has always been awarded by the State
Özvatan Duran
Yangin Imamhatip Lisesi
M. Sami Yangin
Ilkögretim Okulu
M. Sami Yangin
Kapali Spor Salonu
M. Sami Yangin
Anadolu Lisesi